Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life is a dancer. I am the dance.

A'qilah tagged me. So i'm doing it.

Quickly list down 3 things that you'll never ever ever do in your life ever. Preferably it should be something that many other people do or something you have done before and will never ever do again.

1) convert to any other religion.
2) please people, just for the sake of keeping them happy.
3) break promises.

I can go on and on, for there'ere many things in this life that I would never want to do, or have done before. Also, they're many things in life I wish to say to my elders. (not my parents. just some specific people)

There're currently 7 maids at home now. Life is heaven. Because now i have an excuse not to do housework (I've been doing them the past weeks ok i need rest) hee hee. I'm waiting for them to fry for me tempe( is that how you spell it? *calls A'qilah*. she'll be very proud of me. maklum, makanan negara dia. haaaa. she is going to slap me)

I witnessed something yesterday, which made me realise 2 things.
1) be grateful to your parents.
2) do not take your religion lightly.

At first i was a bit zonked out. I was very disorientated. It was my first time witnessing something as such. But after thinking back, I am grateful, because Allah has been very kind to me, giving me so called 'pelajaran'.

Dont ask me why I have malay words inside.

Someone to love you with all his heart is difficult to come by.

So true.


  1. Yes, that is how you spell tempe. Makanan negara eh, bagus fatin, very good, you'll get it. YOU WILL GET ITTTTTTTTT
