Saturday, March 7, 2009

News Flash

I read your blog Hayani. truthfully, it hurt. because i did not take drastic actions as to disregard you from my life. I'm glad I followed my mum's words of wisdom (something very rare)- do not think emotionally. I will never regret out four years of friendship. we had our share of sorrow and unhappiness, something i will never forget.

but please. i beg of you not to think emotionally. do not follow what your heart pleases you to do. removing your archives and stuff, just to erase any memories left of me. why not delete all the picture i took of you too? why are you still using them?

but whatever. if you want to consider me as the past, fine with me.

im too tired to care anymore.

a wasted effort.


  1. you cant be erased just like that
    i really hope you and your friends work it out
    i dont really know what the problem is
    but maybe you all need to discuss it face to face in a civilised manner instead of writing hurtfull things
    i dunno
    wish you all the best
    (btw sis if u dnt wish me 2 read ur blog jus lemme know) :)

  2. hey Naz. thanks for your opnion(:

    and nope, i definitely dont mind you reading.
    take care

  3. lol ur welcome sweety
    heey u shd definetly blog sum more
    ur a great writer
    tke cre
